For inquiries regarding this website, permission requests and copyright matters

Please contact us using the form above.

Please note: The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc. as successor to the Virgil Thomson Foundation, Ltd. has made best efforts to locate the copyright owners of any materials included on this site and to secure the necessary licenses to use such materials with appropriate credit to the creators. If you believe that your copyrighted works are being reproduced without permission on this site, please contact us using the form above.

For inquiries about rental and licensing of virgil thomson’s music

Please contact the appropriate publisher. Most of Virgil Thomson’s music is published by one of the following publishers:

To find which publisher to contact for a given Thomson work, refer to the Compositions page on this site.

In keeping with the friendly and collegial relations between Virgil Thomson and Aaron Copland during their lifetimes, The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc. has assumed management of this website and other activities as successor to the Virgil Thomson Foundation, Ltd. Please address any questions or comments to is managed by the aaron copland fund for music as successor to the virgil thomson foundation, ltd., 156 fifth avenue, suite 600, new york, ny 10010